ZerotoMastery - Statistics Bootcamp (with Python) Zero to Mastery

ZerotoMastery - Statistics Bootcamp (with Python) Zero to Mastery

ZerotoMastery - Statistics Bootcamp (with Python) Zero to Mastery 2024-5

Responsible Narodom.guy
Last Update 05/06/2024
Completion Time 5 hours 26 minutes
Members 1
    • 012. Variable Type.mp4
    • 013. Python - Variable Type.mp4
    • 014. Arithmetic Operator.mp4
    • 016. Comparison Operator.mp4
    • 023. CHALLENGE - Berghain Club Bounce.mp4
    • 026. Game Plan for Intermediate Python for Statistic.mp4
    • 031. Python - List.mp4
    • 032. EXERCISE - Monthly Expense Repor.mp4
    • 039. Python - Dictionarie.mp4
    • 040. EXERCISE - Magical Pet Sound.mp4
    • 043. Python - For Loop.mp4
    • 051. EXERCISE - Function That Transforms Fahrenheit to Celsiu.mp4
    • 052. CHALLENGE - Recipe Converte.mp4
    • 054. Project Presentation - Virtual Escape Gam.mp4
    • 059. Game Plan for Descriptive Statistic.mp4
    • 067. EXERCISE - Pytho.mp4
    • 073. EXERCISE - Mod.mp4
    • 089. CASE STUDY - Moneybal.mp4
    • 092. CASE STUDY Briefing - Dioguinis Pizza.mp4
    • 094. Python - Libraries and Dat.mp4
    • 096. Z-Score and Standardizatio.mp4
    • 097. Python - Z-Score and Standardizatio.mp4
    • 098. Confidence Leve.mp4
    • 101. Python - Confidence Interval for Large Sample.mp4
    • 106. Python - Confidence Interval with Small Sample.mp4
    • 107. EXERCISE - Confidence Interval Function wit.mp4
    • 108. Confidence Interval.mp4
    • 110. Python - Data Preparation and.mp4
    • 112. Python - Estimating Averag.mp4
    • 113. Python - Co.mp4
    • 117. P-Value.mp4
    • 120. How to Test Your Hypothesis (Known Population V.mp4
    • 125. Hypothesis Testing with Unknown Population.mp4
    • 126. Python - How to Test Your Hypothesis (Unknown Population Variance).mp4
    • 128. P-Value.mp4
    • 130. Python - Paired T-Test - Part 2.mp4
    • 132. Python - Leve.mp4
    • 135. Exercise - Two-Sample Test.mp4
    • 136. One-Tailed Test vs. Two-Ta.mp4
    • 138. Python - One-Tailed Test with Unknown.mp4
    • 140. Python - One-Tailed Two-Samp.mp4
    • 142. Python - Chi-Sq.mp4
    • 144. Python - Shapiro-W.mp4
    • 145. Hypothesis Testin.mp4
    • 151. Python Solutions - Hyp.mp4
    • 158. Regression S.mp4
    • 162. Python - Linear Regression with Dummy .mp4
    • 166. Python - Categorical .mp4
    • 175. Multilinear Regressio.mp4
    • 182. Logistic R.mp4
    • 183. Python - Preparing Script and Loa.mp4
    • 191. Python - Pr.mp4
    • 192. Confusion Matrix and Model A.mp4
    • 193. Python - Confusion Matrix and Classificati.mp4
    • 194. Python - Assessing Classification Models wit.mp4
    • 199. Python - Logistic Regression Model and Assessment wit.mp4
    • 200. Game Plan for Cox Proportional Hazard R.mp4
    • 201. Introduction to Survival.mp4
    • 203. Python - Libraries.mp4
    • 206. Python - Calculating for a Speci.mp4
    • 212. Cox Proportional Hazard R.mp4