The Complete Odoo Technical Course 2023 From Zero to Hero 2023

The Complete Odoo Technical Course 2023 From Zero to Hero 2023

Udemy - The Complete Odoo Technical Course 2023 From Zero to Hero 2023-09

รับผิดชอบ Narodom Guy
อัปเดตครั้งล่าสุด 17/07/2024
เวลาเสร็จสิ้น 1 ชั่วโมง 15 นาที
สมาชิก 1
Odoo Technical
  • 3Lessons · 55 นาที
    • 7.1 Odoo Manifest.pdf
    • 8.1 Command-line interface (CLI).pdf
    • 8.2 Odoo Conf File.pdf
  • 1Lessons · 10 นาที
    • 1.1 The Real Estate Advertisement Module.pdf
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 1. Adding Search View to our Module Filters And Groups.mp4
  • 4Lessons ·
    • 1. Deeper Understanding of Security Groups, Access Rights and Record Rules.mp4
    • 2. Adding Groups to our Property Model.mp4
    • 3. Getting Advanced with Access Rights.mp4
    • 4. Getting Advanced with Record Rules.mp4
  • 6Lessons ·
    • 1. Introduction to Odoo Actions.mp4
    • 2. Working with Client Actions.mp4
    • 3. Working with Server Actions.mp4
    • 4. Adding Scheduled Actions to our Module.mp4
    • 5. Working with URL Actions.mp4
    • 6. QWeb Report Creating Report Actions and PDF Report for our Module.mp4
  • 1Lessons ·
    • 1. Adding Translation to our Module (i18n and .po files).mp4
  • 3Lessons ·
    • 1. Messaging Mixins Message Integration, Mail Alias and Activities Tracking.mp4
    • 2. Website Mixins Visitor Tracking, Website Visibility and Website Metadata.mp4
    • 3. Adding Rating on Your Model & Sending Rating Requests by E-mail.html
  • 1Lessons · 5 นาที
    • 4.1 Provide IAP Services.pdf
  • 1Lessons · 5 นาที
    • 1.1 Deployment Guide.pdf