Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL Bootcamp 2024
Udemy - Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL Bootcamp 2024-4
Responsible | Narodom Narodom.guy |
Last Update | 17/07/2024 |
Completion Time | 4 hours 44 minutes |
Members | 1 |
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1. Introduction8Lessons · 33 min
1. Introduction to Getting Started.mp4
2. Course Curriculum.mp4
3. How to Get Pre-Requisites.mp4
4. Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac.mp4
5. How to ask a Great Questions.mp4
6. FAQ’s.mp4
7. What is Source code.mp4
8. Learn What is Generative AI Gen AI.mp4
2. Setting up Local Development Environment10Lessons · 49 min
1. Section Introduction.mp4
2. XAMPP Installation for PHP, MySQL and Apache.mp4
3. Choosing code editor.mp4
4. Installing code editor (Sublime text).mp4
5. Installing code editor (VS code).mp4
6. Postman API platform installation.mp4
7. Composer installation.mp4
8. Creating a project on xampp.mp4
9. PHP hello world program.mp4
10. Summary.mp4
3. Restful API Basic6Lessons · 30 min
1. Section Introduction.mp4
2. What is PHP.mp4
3. What is Restful API.mp4
4. HTTP request GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.mp4
5. REST API project structure.mp4
6. Summary.mp4
4. Project1 Restful API Login and Registration11Lessons · 1 hr 49 min
1. Section Introduction.mp4
2. Create Database and table.mp4
3. Creating Project forms and folders.mp4
3.1 Project1 Restful Authentication, Login and Registration with JWT Source Code.html
4. Database Connection.mp4
5. JSON Web Token Handler(JWT).mp4
6. Auth Middleware Token Validation.mp4
7. Register form.mp4
8. Login form.mp4
9. User Token Authorization check form.mp4
10. Summary.mp4
5. Project2 Restful API – MySQL Database9Lessons · 27 min
1. Section Introduction.mp4
2. Create Database and table.mp4
3. Adding Data to table - insert query.mp4
4. MySQL Select query.mp4
5. MySQL Update query.mp4
6. MySQL Delete query.mp4
7. Get Project2 Source Code.mp4
8. Create Database Connection.mp4
9. Summary.mp4
6. Restful API – Web Services13Lessons · 34 min
1. Section Introduction.mp4
2. Create Items Class PHP File.mp4
3. Create Method form.mp4
4. Creating Record Using Restful API.mp4
5. Reading Method form.mp4
6. Reading Record Using Restful API.mp4
7. Update Method form.mp4
8. Update Record Using Restful API.mp4
9. Delete Method form.mp4
10. Delete Method Using Restful API.mp4
11. Coding Exercise.mp4
12. Solution for Coding Exercise.mp4
13. Summary.mp4
7. Apache .htaccess file1Lessons · 2 min
1. SEO friendly Request URLs of REST API.mp4