Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL Bootcamp 2024

Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL Bootcamp 2024

Udemy - Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL Bootcamp 2024-4

รับผิดชอบ Narodom Guy
อัปเดตครั้งล่าสุด 17/07/2024
เวลาเสร็จสิ้น 4 ชั่วโมง 44 นาที
สมาชิก 1
  • 8Lessons · 33 นาที
    • 1. Introduction to Getting Started.mp4
    • 2. Course Curriculum.mp4
    • 3. How to Get Pre-Requisites.mp4
    • 4. Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac.mp4
    • 5. How to ask a Great Questions.mp4
    • 6. FAQ’s.mp4
    • 7. What is Source code.mp4
    • 8. Learn What is Generative AI Gen AI.mp4
  • 10Lessons · 49 นาที
    • 1. Section Introduction.mp4
    • 2. XAMPP Installation for PHP, MySQL and Apache.mp4
    • 3. Choosing code editor.mp4
    • 4. Installing code editor (Sublime text).mp4
    • 5. Installing code editor (VS code).mp4
    • 6. Postman API platform installation.mp4
    • 7. Composer installation.mp4
    • 8. Creating a project on xampp.mp4
    • 9. PHP hello world program.mp4
    • 10. Summary.mp4
  • 6Lessons · 30 นาที
    • 1. Section Introduction.mp4
    • 2. What is PHP.mp4
    • 3. What is Restful API.mp4
    • 4. HTTP request GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.mp4
    • 5. REST API project structure.mp4
    • 6. Summary.mp4
  • 11Lessons · 1 ชม. 49 นาที
    • 1. Section Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Create Database and table.mp4
    • 3. Creating Project forms and folders.mp4
    • 3.1 Project1 Restful Authentication, Login and Registration with JWT Source Code.html
    • 4. Database Connection.mp4
    • 5. JSON Web Token Handler(JWT).mp4
    • 6. Auth Middleware Token Validation.mp4
    • 7. Register form.mp4
    • 8. Login form.mp4
    • 9. User Token Authorization check form.mp4
    • 10. Summary.mp4
  • 9Lessons · 27 นาที
    • 1. Section Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Create Database and table.mp4
    • 3. Adding Data to table - insert query.mp4
    • 4. MySQL Select query.mp4
    • 5. MySQL Update query.mp4
    • 6. MySQL Delete query.mp4
    • 7. Get Project2 Source Code.mp4
    • 8. Create Database Connection.mp4
    • 9. Summary.mp4
  • 13Lessons · 34 นาที
    • 1. Section Introduction.mp4
    • 2. Create Items Class PHP File.mp4
    • 3. Create Method form.mp4
    • 4. Creating Record Using Restful API.mp4
    • 5. Reading Method form.mp4
    • 6. Reading Record Using Restful API.mp4
    • 7. Update Method form.mp4
    • 8. Update Record Using Restful API.mp4
    • 9. Delete Method form.mp4
    • 10. Delete Method Using Restful API.mp4
    • 11. Coding Exercise.mp4
    • 12. Solution for Coding Exercise.mp4
    • 13. Summary.mp4
  • 1Lessons · 2 นาที
    • 1. SEO friendly Request URLs of REST API.mp4